It is more than a little disturbing that Jeremy Radvan can allow himself to gloat over the very serious concerns held by parents for the health of their children at Downs Infants School should the waste transfer facility (WTF) be built directly behind it (Letters, June 28).

To suggest, as he does, that they are using their children's health as a mask for their "true" concern, a drop in house prices, is grossly offensive.

He has clearly let his deep-seated anger following the schools debate cloud his views of what is proposed for the Hollingdean depot.

The focus is not just on the school. The depot is immediately fringed by a dense swathe of council housing as well as two tower blocks full of frail, elderly people who will have to somehow live with all the grime and pollution this development will surely give rise to.

Furthermore, it does appear to be hypocritical to talk of "our responsibilities to the wider community".

Just how were these being fulfilled when it came to discussing the communities surrounding the so-called failing schools, both of which were regularly vilified during the schools allocation debate?

It was made quite clear by many people from east Brighton that these were communities they definitely didn't want to "commune" with.

It would be a mistake to allow a perversely sectarian mentality to develop on the issue of the Hollingdean depot. Should the WTF be built, the consequences will be adverse and far-reaching for many different "communities" within the city.

-Sarah O'Mahoney, Brighton