The claim Lewes District Council (LDC) makes, that High Court action will speed up the outcome of the Falmer stadium dispute, is a little optimistic.

The 20 or so villagers who attended the Falmer Parish Council (FPC) AGM on June 6 would have heard Toby Rollestone, speaking on behalf of FPC, say High Court action could lead to another public enquiry - news, I'm sure, which will delight some of the opponents of the stadium at the expense again of LDC taxpayers.

One would hope LDC councillors outside the cabinet committee, legally bound to sit on the fence and to hear and see no evil, might start to ask some questions in private.

This must be a concern to the opponents of the incinerator at Newhaven and possibly the Phoenix development in Lewes.

As we all know from the two Falmer stadium enquiries so far, they are very time-consuming and expensive.

Will an over-stretched and short-of-money LDC be able to put up more than a cursory opposition to any developments outside Falmer?

-Steve Aston, Falmer