What a distorted picture your front page gave of the current conflict between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah (The Argus, July 18).

The Palestinian aid worker sees only one side of the situation.

The article is so biased it paints the Israelis as the aggressors in this dreadful conflict.

However, during the past six years, Hezbollah has launched more than 10,000 raids and rocket attacks into Israel (1,000 in the past few days) with the intention of killing and maiming dozens of civilians) bringing fear and horror into the lives of Israeli citizens.

Hezbollah has done to south Lebanon exactly what Hamas has done to Gaza - turned it into a military base and terrorist operations centre from which to continue the war against Israel.

Israel withdrew from Lebanon six years ago in accordance with UN Resolution 1559 and does not occupy one millimetre of Lebanese soil.

Israel kept to the resolution. The only part of the resolution which has not been carried out was that which demanded Lebanon replace Hezbollah terrorist positions with regular Lebanese army positions.

Nowhere in your pages do I read of the humanitarian aid Israel carries out day after day.

Do your readers know the Israeli army is moving tons of flour, cooking oil, food, petrol and other basic commodities across the border into Gaza for the ordinary civilians? No, that is never reported.

Do your readers know as many as 5,000 Palestinians, stranded on the Egyptian side of the border, have been offered the option of entering Gaza via a crossing the Israelis control to avoid the smuggling of further weapons into Gaza?

It is the Hamas government which has refused to allow the Palestinians to use this crossing.

Do your readers also know the wounded, Israeli or Palestinian, are cared for and treated in Israeli hospitals with care and consideration, regardless of their religion?

Clearly, the pain and suffering on both sides knows no religious or ethnic boundaries and we regret the tragic civilian war casualties.

But there comes a moment when Israel, to ensure her security, her future and the safety of her civilians, has to care for herself.

-Doris Levinson, chairman, Brighton and Hove Jewish Representative Council