I note in Mike Kingston's comments about the bandstand and rubbish along the seafront that he largely blames Brighton and Hove City Council for the state of things (The Argus, July 25).

May I suggest two other reasons:

1. The great amount of packaging which does not bio-degrade.

2. Picnickers are happy to bring carrier bags of cans, bottles and packets but most reluctant to take them away when empty.

I recall long ago when mother, neighbour and children would go to the park with picnic of sandwiches, cake, fruit and pop. When we went home, nothing was ever left behind, not even a sweet wrapper. Sadly it appears to be a forgotten courtesy these days.

Of course damage and decay is another issue and the only activity is by vandals and other mischief makers.

More power to your elbow, Mike.

-PJ Harwood, Portslade