While I accept Bill Williams's right to voice his opinion (Letters, July 26), when he asks what there is to be proud of, I feel he has answered his own question.

I am not homosexual.

Nevertheless, I feel the likes of him and his antiquated attitudes to all things sexual were allowed to cow those of different proclivities into feelings of shame and isolation for far too long.

Pride is how the community makes it clear things have changed.

One of the fundamental reasons Brighton and Hove is such a great place to be is the "live-and-let-live" vibe and sense of freedom which we all benefit from.

Indeed, one reason my partner and I loved it enough to move here was because anywhere else Pride would be seen as the seedy underbelly of society. Here, it is celebrated and it is the views of such as Mr Williams which are looked down on.

I am sure some think you should have censored his letter but it is good to be reminded such attitudes remain lest we become complacent.

-John O'Reilly, Hove