It is the great eggscape that has been ruffling feathers in rural Sussex.

At least 12 turkeys have been spotted roaming freely in different parts of the county in the last three weeks.

The question taxing bird-brains everywhere is where have they come from?

Startled residents alerted wildlife rescuers after spotting two turkeys sitting on a wall in Juggs Close, Lewes.

A veritable flock of seven turkeys were seen trotting bold as brass in the Weavers Lane area of Alfriston last week.

Three more were seen sauntering around the recreation ground in Glynde village, near Lewes, the week before.

Mystified residents called out East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS) to try to catch the birds.

Rescue co-ordinator Trevor Weeks said: “I have never known anything like this before.“ Mr Weeks does not think the birds have escaped from a turkey farm because they have not had their wings clipped and can fly.

As a result rescue volunteers have struggled to catch many of the birds because they fly to the safety of the nearest high tree.