Duncan Ward, the Past Chairman of the Saltdean Residents Association pays tribute to Evelyn George, the President of the Saltdean Residents' Association on the approach of her 90th birthday.

If I was to describe someone who regularly drives, gets on two buses twice a day, criss crosses not only Brighton and Hove, but also many parts of the country. Has been chairman to over a 100 committees and societies and thinks nothing of catering for a number of people. Then you would probably be thinking of a young energetic person, not someone who is approaching a great birthday!

I am talking of none other than Madam President Evelyn George. I greatly admire Evelyn’s spirit and determination. Evelyn has so many interests it’s hard to name them all, but one of her greatest passions is music and particularly the piano. She has graced the Christmas Fair for many years with her renditions of well known pieces - a treat for any listener.

Evelyn joined the SRA committee in 1989. She became the secretary and started The Resident news letter to keep members informed of events and activities. For six years Evelyn typed the newsletter and minutes of meetings. She returned to be a committee member before coming vice chairman (2000-2002), chairman (2002-2005), vice president (2005) and then I had the great honour to nominate her as president of the Saltdean Residents Association, a post she has held since 2006.

Evelyn‘s other passion is Saltdean and particularly the community centre and of course the Lido. As a young woman she recalls eating ice cream from the rotunda cafe of the Lido. In 2000 as a part of the Brighton & Hove City ‘Place to Be’ project Evelyn was chosen as one of the 100 Faces of the Millennium. She was photographed in front of the rotunda of the Saltdean Lido – where else?

But one of her greatest moments was to be chosen as part of the ‘I’m on the bus’ campaign. Evelyn’s’ smiling, waving picture was captured on the side of a Brighton & Hove bus and toured around many of the city routes for nearly four years – a well travelled image. One of Evelyn’s greatest wishes is to purchase the lido and community centre, but this will need a lottery win!

I would like to wish Evelyn a very happy 90th birthday and let’s hope your numbers do come up!

Duncan Ward,

Past chairman of the Saltdean Residents' Association