This double-bill of contemporary dance choreographed specifically for children was exhilarating and exuberant.

Set in the round with the children sat in front of their accompanying adults, it was great to watch them genuinely engage and interact with the performers. The show followed in the footsteps of Luca Silvestrini’s adult company Protein Dance and featured many similar performance characteristics. Dialogue, character, narrative and humour all combined to make an easily accessible show, while the polished, skilful abstract movement consistently interspersed the fun.

The first piece, DanSense, was themed around the five senses and climaxed with super-splashy water play; the children could hardly contain their excitement as the spray caught them. The turnaround was covered by an entertaining giant fish that, as master of ceremonies, helped the children to giggle their way through the clean up.

The second piece was Go! – a far more literal look at the world of sport and sportspeople. It allowed the audience more interactive opportunities; implicating them as supporters. The dancers taught them clapping sequences and called upon them to cheer and high-five through the twists and turns of the athlete’s journeys. It could probably do with shaving about five minutes off the running time, and the music was a little too loud, but as soon as the children got a chance to ‘pitch invade’ the stage and join in, all was forgiven.

Funny Bones was great starter dance, which will help to cultivate the dance audiences of the future.