There was no A-Z and scarce few superheroes populating Rob Deb’s heavily autobiographical exploration of loserdom.

His first time in Brighton, it seemed he struggled with a divided audience - should he go all-out, Klingon-speaking geeklord for the fanboys? Or make a bid for those in the audience without the social millstone of a comics collection?

Deb’s biggest problem here was in trying to pitch to both camps, leaving his comic-book compadres without their Spandex fix, and the mainstream crowd baffled by the occasional oblique references.

There were some funny moments, like Deb’s philosophical love of Superman over Spiderman (the latter’s teenage unpopularity proved too close for comfort), and he was admirably honest in explaining that his show was in a state of flux.

It seems Deb would be at his best amongst his own, by finding the “sci-fi and proud” crowd and cranking up the geek factor to warp nine.