Grass verges clearly are a problem and I have no sympathy for anyone fined for ploughing them up in wet weather, parking on them (The Argus, April 9). Having no where else to park is not an excuse.

However, having said that, R Metcalfe (Letters, May 15) is absolutely right to be scathing of Brighton and Hove City Council for dropping the hammer down hard on tax-paying middle Britain, the salt of the earth, for “minor” infringements, while at the same time turning a blind eye to “major” infringements of the law. With parking a problem, and grass verges becoming more and more of an eyesore nowadays, the council could and should be doing something by way of making them suitable for cars to park on. As the council must be aware, there are several relatively inexpensive ways of doing this. Plastic grass grids, turf protection mesh and grass protection lattices are but a few. The cost of this could easily be borne from the money the council takes in parking from motorists.

I dare say the public would be only to willing to do the work of laying the grids themselves. And with more and more people being allowed by the council to commandeer big chunks of the road for dropped kerbs to facilitate parking on their own properties (in addition to the existing dropped kerbs that many already have for entrance to their garages), this is making matters even worse.

Dave Bonwick
Oakdene Close, Portslade