So, Sussex voted for seven Conservative MPs but got 12.

It sent two Lib Dems to Parliament though we wanted four, according to Brian Beck’s analysis (Letters, May 17).

What happened to that heap of Sussex votes worth three Labour MPs? All wasted. I thought Mr Beck was trying to justify the First Past the Post (FPP) electoral system, when he’s actually laid its perversities bare.

Greens have a seat they would not have won under Proportional Representation. Perhaps they’ve learnt to play our distorting electoral system in one particular place. This doesn’t justify FPP whatsoever.

If we had PR across wider areas we’d have a much more democratically accurate House of Commons, including a significant small party contingent. But most importantly, if everyone knew their vote counted, more would vote for a particular party instead of using the “vote to stop” tactic common at present.

Ian Fyvie, Golf Drive, Hollingdean