A firefighter who was injured in the blast at a fireworks factory which killed two of his colleagues has launched a fight for compensation.

Timothy Austin was sent to the Festival Fireworks site with firefighters from across the county when a blaze broke out on December 3, 2006.

Firefighter Geoff Wicker, 49, and support officer Brian Wembridge, 63, were killed in an explosion at Marlie Farm and about 20 police and fire officers, including Mr Austin, were injured.

Now Mr Austin, of Mongers Mead, Barcombe, near Lewes, is suing East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service as well as Alpha Fireworks, the new name for the firm which owns the site, for damages for his wounds.

Company owner Martin Winter, 52, and his son Nathan were jailed after being convicted of manslaughter in December last year after a jury ruled they had been grossly negligent by knowing that an unlicensed metal container, filled with fireworks, could explode if a fire broke out at the factory in Shortgate Lane, Ringmer, near Lewes.

Mr Winter's firm was fined £30,000 for breaching health and safety laws.

Mr Austin, a retained firefighter who is based at Balcombe fire station, submitted a claim for damages of up to £50,000 for the injuries he suffered at the scene of the fire.

His case has now been transferred to the High Court in London.