Council bosses have been criticised for allowing fast food chain McDonald’s to display their branding at a new skate park.

The chain’s bins could encourage sporty youngsters to eat Big Macs, fries and McFlurries, according to a concerned resident.

The park opposite the Civic Centre, in Ham Road, Shoreham, has been a huge hit with children and teenagers since it opened nearly six weeks ago.

But neighbour Nicole Parker was disgusted to see that the only bins provided have been donated by the nearby McDonald's restaurant.

She believes it sends a confusing message to users of the park.

Miss Parker emailed Clive Bramble, parks manager for Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council, to ask why McDonald's was allowed to advertise in the park.

He told The Argus he did not disagree with her point but added that the fast food chain offered to provide the bins and a litter picking service for free.

A McDonald’s spokeswoman said there was “no doubt” the chain's food can form part of a balanced diet.

She added: “Our menu is varied and offers more choice than ever, and we’ve provided nutritional information since the 1980s.

“We sponsor litter bins as part of our commitment to tackling litter, not to market our food.”

Should McDonald’s be allowed to advertise on bins in the skate park? Tell us what you think below.