Having Jewish roots, I would like to respond to Julie Burchill’s letter with regard to Gilad Shalit (Letters, September 1).

While it is of course important to remember all people suffering injustice, it is also important to remember that during Israel’s response to the kidnapping, Operation Cast Lead, more than 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers died in Gaza. Of the Palestinian number, most were civilians.

Julie mentions human rights, so I would regretfully mention that the UN has passed more resolutions against Israel in relation to human rights than any other country. It is legal within Israeli law for torture to be used by the security services against Palestinans, and it is used daily.

The rise of Facism is indeed disturbing. Members of the recent ENA march were seen flying a large Israeli flag alongside members performing Nazi salutes.

Very strange indeed.

Jaya Shunyata
Trevor Gardens, Lewes