I am disgusted by the Government making the police lose their jobs. We have not got enough now. What would we do without them in this generation of violence and robbery?

As for Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) losing their jobs, the Government must be crazy to let that happen. I think PCSOs should be paid the same rate as regulars as they do what the regulars do in many cases, even more at times. You always see them out walking on the streets.

They must see more going on than regulars but have no power to arrest. It is stupid!

Mary Frankel
Station Road, Portslade

Why is it that items in the press concerning the police are, inevitably, illustrated by photographs of PCSOs?

PCSOs are exactly what their title says; they are not, and never were intended to be, warranted police officers.

My concern is that by seeing themselves continually described by the media as “police” they will eventually come to consider themselves as “police” and that would be a most regrettable situation as they do not have the training or the skills to carry out the duties of a “real” police officer.

Eric Waters
Ingleside Crescent, Lancing