I was surprised and disappointed to read Tony Mernagh’s reaction to the redevelopment plans for Patcham Court Farm (The Argus, February 10).

I would have thought the Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership would welcome the 300 new jobs this development would bring, as well as much-needed new office accommodation and community facilities. And his assertion that this would “add nothing to the city centre” is baffling to say the least. The site is on a key transport hub with regular bus services into Brighton and Hove and would therefore be an extremely attractive place to stay for both visitors and business people.

The potential economic benefits to the whole city are enormous.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Brighton and Hove was once again singled out by the influential Centre For Cities think tank as one of the best-placed cities in the country to emerge from the economic downturn in a position of strength. And with developers coming forward to invest in sites such as Patcham Court Farm, the former ice rink in Queen’s Square and Anston House, I think the future is looking bright.

Councillor Mary Mears
Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council