Police want to talk to a man in connection with a rape of a 17-year-old girl.

Sussex Police Major Crime Branch want to trace a man who was travelling on the top deck of the number 7 Brighton and Hove bus, between Queens Road, Brighton, and Goldsmid Road, Hove, just before midnight on Monday February 14.

The girl was attacked in Dyke Road Park, Brighton, on Tuesday February 15 just after midnight.

DCI Trevor Bowles, who is leading the hunt for the attacker, said: "The identity of this man is urgently sought, given that he was close to the area of the attack and within about 20 minutes of it taking place. We would like to talk to him in order to eliminate him from our inquiries.

“We now know that this man walked up Dyke Road having got off the bus in Goldsmid Road.

“We are not sure when he left the Dyke Road area but we do need to trace him. He had previously sat in the top deck of the bus having got on at Queens Road, outside the Quadrant pub and I am hoping that other passengers will recognise him.”

The man is in his 30s, olive skinned, with short, dark hair, stocky and has close shaven facial hair and side burns. He is believed to speak with a European accent.

If you know who this man is or have any information regarding the attack, call Sussex Police on 0845 6070999, quoting Operation Dublin, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.