The Argus: fringe_2011_logo_red_thumb

Gratuitous violence, sexual deviance, base humour and five fellas in gimp masks. What more could you want from a Friday out?

In a very sweaty venue, the gimps delivered a furiously-paced act as they hurtled through a rapid series of sketches which battered even the most hardened comedy purist into submission.

OK, it wasn't always big and clever - there were student-esque skits about sleeping with one of the gimp's mothers among some of the more predictable banter - but more often than not they raised the bar above the lowest common denominator. Just.

There were some fantastic musical routines and they even veered into social commentary on a reoccurring sketch which always started out with a far-fetched situation such as the aftermath of a plane crash. When one of two survivors was forced to kill and eat his friend to survive, the lights went up and it was revealed to be an extreme workplace role-play. "Well done," said the boss. "You get to keep the one remaining job," chucking a name badge at the killer.

There wasn't even any let-up between the sketches. They were interspersed with film clips of well-known adverts and songs with the punchline or title replaced with the word 'gimp'. Again, hardly innovative, but every one got a laugh.

Late Night Gimp was never going to impress those with purely cerebral tastes in comedy, but if you were looking for an hour of belly laughs, you could do far worse.