NEVER mind The Ladyboys Of Bangkok – what about our Victoria Gardens?

Every year the big tents and vehicles arrive on the 1800s Victoria Gardens Park, which is one of Brighton’s few green spaces for this area.

They stay for more than six weeks, and affect many residents with the volume of noise from shows at least twice a day.

I can just about cope with not been able to hear my own music or radio in my flat, but I can’t cope with these beautiful gardens being ruined and never having time to recover.

I have a Facebook group to help support Victoria Gardens from completely disappearing. On that page are photos of the damage they cause on this precious piece of land.

I have suggested to Caroline Lucas that this show alternates where it stays. One year they could go to The Level perhaps, where there is healthier land and fewer residents are likely to be affected.

Yes, we have to listen to this music every day and night for a month, and that’s enough to send anyone mad, but please just think about the impact on the land while you’re having fun.

Caz McCrea, Grand Parade, Brighton