Thousands of children across Sussex are arrested every year.

Figures show Sussex Police carried out 447 arrests on youngsters aged between ten and 14 over a 12 month period.

The total number of young people aged 17 and under who were arrested during 2010 was 5,779.

The information was released following a Freedom of Information request by the Howard League for Penal Reform.

It raised concerns about the number of children arrested nationally, particularly when large numbers of cases did not lead to further action.

Charity director Frances Crook said: “This excessive use of arrest puts a huge burden on the police who have to do all the paperwork and tie up valuable time and money dealing with young children when they could be dealing with burglaries, rapes and serious disorder.

“Children are entering the criminal justice system when their behaviour should instead be a concern for their families and the welfare system.”

A Sussex Police spokeswoman said: "Criminal acts, committed by young people or old people, cause serious harm to victims and communities.

"It is vital that police officers have the powers to arrest the perpetrators.

“Just because an arrest does not lead to a prosecution does not mean that the arrest was unnecessary or inappropriate."

The figures revealed 7,081 under 18s were arrested in Sussex in 2008, including 864 under 14s, compared to 6,653 in 2009, including 708 under 14s.