Fairytale-inspired artworks created by 50 artists from Brighton and Hove will be auctioned off in aid of the Argus Appeal.

Saturday 4 June will see the JAG open gallery in Madeira Drive transformed into a fairytale extravaganza between 1-8pm, a chance to view all 50 works hanging together.

The public are invited to view the creations and make silent bids whilst sipping gin from teacups and nibbling on fairy cakes, walking down the gallery’s very own yellow-brick road in a fully immersive fairytale experience.

The only rule given to participating artists was that each piece of work must conform to a size of 50x50cm and have been inspired by a fairytale, nursery rhyme or children’s story.

Daniel Gruitt, member of art collective Enter The Clutter, said that the brief inspired people incredibly. He said: “Each and every artist has taken their fairytale in a different direction… some of them are funny, some heartrending and some heart-stoppingly beautiful.

“The owner of the gallery, Julie-Anne Gilbert, normally does abstracts, so to do a figurative piece like this [3D clay work with Cinderella theme] was a real experiment for her “For over 50% of the artists involved it’s a really new experience; they’ve never put something on the wall before and this project is getting them out there. By including unknown artists we can help the community.”

Gruitt said that some artists had been motivated to create a whole series of fairytale based works as a result of the brief.

Artist “Brash” said: “I always like challenging the status quo so I interpreted three blind mice as three guys chasing after a woman”

Another contributing artist, Thomas Horatio, said: “I chose The Green Man as although he doesn’t have a story, as such, I know what he represents. I’m a gardener by week and I’ve wanted to draw him for ages... a man made up of vegetation”

From Horatio’s intricate fineliner pen work to “fairytale photographer” Kata Lubo’s take on the Snow Queen, the day promises a huge variety of works, in various mediums, with an eclectic mix of influences and interpretations.

The final auction will take place at an invitation-only event at Pub Du Vin on Wednesday 8 June.