THE letter “Terrace Please”, by M Dyson (The Argus, May 10), hit a mark with me.

With no offence to present workers, The Princes Hotel (with the nameplate plaque still visible) on the corner of Grand Avenue and the seafront, and owned by my great grandparents, was a beautiful old building.

I can’t say the same about King’s House.

David de Pinna, Courtnay Terrace, Hove

I WOULD like to add my voice to a story in The Argus (May 10) about student architect designs for The Lanes.

Whatever the designs on the redevelopments in the Old Town Conservation Area, it must not include name-changing – there is no such area as the “South Lanes”.

It would be re-writing history to start calling it anything other than The Lanes or the Old Town.

Roy Pennington, Hendon Street, Brighton