Today's Council meeting of the Cabinet Member for Transport & Public Realm will consider the Citywide Parking Review. In particular, immediate action to address the most urgent areas of parking demand in the city will follow a timetable for the work to completed by early 2015.

One of the four areas identified is Canning Street: it may become part of Area H. It is considered to be one of the highest priority for consultation on the grounds of parking demand, conflict and road safety.

A resident-led petition was done a couple of years ago about the problems parking their cars outside their front doors. The petition asked to be joined up to Area H.

The adjoining streets (Hendon, Bute and Rochester: collectively known as Bakers Bottom) are not to be included in the urgent review. There is no difference between Canning St and the adjoining streets in terms of parking demand, conflict and road safety.

The residents have consistently resisted controlled parking, partly because it is not clear to which Zone residents could be attached (C, U or H) as they border all three Zones. It is not clear how the residents in all of those Zones would to consulted if a proposal to amalgamate with other streets were to be considered.