Local residents in Bakers Bottom are campaigning against the proposed double yellow lines at the junctions of Rochester/Livingstone St, Bute/Livingstone St and Hendon/Livingstone St.

Leaflets were put through letter boxes in the area recently urging "neighbours" to give their views on the "COUNCIL PLANS TO CUT 16 SPACES."

It explains that though "Parking round here is ... bad...this proposal will mean losing at least 16 spaces... with no solution for helping residents park ... and we're not able to park on surrounding roads."

The leaflet gives details of how to give views by phone (01273 293804) or on-line/e-mail, quoting TRO 8B 2011 Amendment Order 201 Livingstone St.

The leaflet is anonymous i.e. no details are given of who distributed it.

Local PCSO's recently put warning signs at the entrances of each of Bakers Bottom's streets about dangerous corner parking and the possibility of clamping and/or removing cars and/or tickets.

Bakers Bottom is one of the areas in which the City-Wide Parking Review is targeting. The Project Manager for Brighton & Hove City Regulation & Infrastructure will be attending the residents meeting on Wednesday December 14th at 7pm at CRAVEN VALE Community Centre to speak and answer questions regarding the council’s strategic city-wide parking review.