I WAS pleased to read that it would seem Brighton and Hove City Council is now considering the sale of King’s House (The Argus, May 23), but I do have serious reservations.

When it comes to the sale of a publicly-owned asset like this, I would hate to see the cash frittered away just to balance the books. This is a weak approach and equates to “selling the family silver”.

Selling prime assets to plug gaps in the accounts is a short-term measure that delays inevitably tough decisions and, in fact, makes them even tougher for future custodians of the public purse.

Any cash raised should be pumped back into new property assets that serve the public better than those we have currently.

I am keen to see King’s House sold and would personally like profits to go into new council offices at the old Co-op building in London Road and into a new sports centre, preferably one with a 50-metre pool.

I certainly don’t want the cash to be wasted on Green Party experiments that conflict with the views of the majority of people in this city.

Everyone locally has interesting ideas on what should happen to our major sites, especially those which are publicly-owned, including the King Alfred, King’s House, Preston Barracks, Black Rock and the Brighton Centre.

People want to hear – and have their own – exciting suggestions on what could happen in each case.

While many feel the council could make much better use of each of these sites, I do feel most would be concerned if valuable public assets were sold to essentially fund Green Party pet projects.

Robert Nemeth, Osborne Villas, Hove