CLAIMS that moving schools over to academy status will enhance their performance is a fallacy.

I challenge anyone to produce evidence to show schools which have been forced to become academies have automatically flourished. There is contrary evidence within West Sussex itself, where I understand a councillor has spoken out about this.

Councillor Peter Griffiths, who is a cabinet member for education and schools on West Sussex County Council, appears to support academy schools.

What has happened with the early, traditional (Labour) academies is that many have had disproportional sums of money poured into them, usually at the expense of other schools in West Sussex, and the rest of the country.

With new buildings and additional resources, some have improved the quality of education for their pupils.

However, it is too soon to say whether this improvement is permanent, and not at the expense of other local schools.

Also, many of these academies have received levels of funding out of proportion with that of other local schools.

Many of them may find this money clawed back when they receive next year’s Budget.

Academies must be funded at the same level as other schools in a local authority.

It seems to be West Sussex County Council’s policy to make as many schools as possible academy status. This is regardless of the views and wishes of parents, teachers and other employees in the county’s schools.

I understand Coun Griffiths claims to be facilitating transfers to academy status. Many schools involved have decided to transfer away from West Sussex – without any help or assistance from the council.

In reality, the council appears to have washed its hands of grant-maintained and foundation schools, and has done little in recent years to keep a network of schools together to support the communities of West Sussex.

This council is currently the only local authority in the South East which does not accept service in academies when teachers transfer between schools, academies and local authorities.

Eric Skyte, National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, Sussex and Surrey district