The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) has highlighted its support for the Save Omar campaign.

Delegates at the national conference in Bradford voted on Sunday to join Brighton protesters in their fight for justice for the Guantanamo Bay prisoner.

Omar Deghayes, a former Saltdean student, who had indefinite leave to stay in Britain, has been held for more than four years in Camp Delta without charge.

The CND delegates agreed that: "This Conference of CND notes that Government spokespersons, including the Foreign Secretary and the Attorney-General, have called for the closure of Guantanamo Bay.

"Yet the Government has failed to act on behalf of the British residents detained there without trial and subjected to years of degrading and inhumane treatment.

"We note that the US Administration is now willing to release them and we therefore call on the Government to allow the safe return of the British residents to their families and homes in the UK.

"We support the demand for Guantanamo Bay to be closed."