Brighton's North Street will be closed to traffic for two days for temporary repairs on September 18 and 19. 

The city council announced it would be undertaking the work last month, but refused to say when - or who is paying

This morning, a spokesman apologised for the "inevitable disruption" it will bring, adding: "these works are for essential safety maintenance on one of the city’s most well-used routes and bus corridors and it is not possible to carry them out without closing the road."

The road will be closed from 7am on Tuesday. No precise time is set for its reopening.

The council spokesman added: " We are currently talking to businesses in the street to inform them about the works and are liaising with bus companies to set up diversion routes.

"We are also engaged in ongoing discussions with other agencies to find a long term solution."

North Street has deteriorated following extensive roadworks by utility companies - 170 in the past five years.

Road users first started reporting issues after Southern Water and Southern Gas Networks started laying pipes in the street in 2007.

In April this year, Brighton and Hove Buses stopped using the route temporarily saying the road's condition was so bad its buses were becoming grounded. 

Following the resurfacing, the substructure of the highway will be examined with a view to more permanent repairs being carried out.