This October, the Horrors awaken once again Since 2008, Tulley’s Shocktober Fest has repeatedly won the title of the UK's No.1 Halloween Attraction. This year, the scream park is back and scarier than ever with eight haunted attractions, live music and great food. Tulley’s create fun, unique mazes which have been cleverly designed and highly themed to create an atmosphere of tension but above all – excitement.

Sweaty palms and dry mouths are quickly joined by a sense of dread and increased heart rate as in a small group you grab hold of each other’s shoulders and start slowly shuffling into a maze whose sole purpose is to scare you. This year will feature two new attractions: VIXI and Twisted Clowns, making the park utterly unmissable.

Whilst interviewing Georgia Stevenson, an events team member she picked up that “Tulley’s is getting bigger and better every year. The mazes are becoming scarier and more people are getting to know about the park. We are getting northerners travelling down specifically to visit the park and I think that’s amazing.”

The good news about this scream park compared to others is that they manage to deliver completely different scares in each of their attractions. Along the way you'll find yourself running from a man with a chainsaw, having scary clowns distort the world around you and you nervously walk through pitch darkness.

Shocktober Fest epitomises everything that's great about Halloween, you'll be shocked, scared, laugh, shriek and scream but above all have a brilliant time.
