Students ditched their textbooks to appear on stage.

High Impact Day at Varndean saw students go off-timetable to engage in taster sessions in potential subject options, to learn about careers and also joined equalities discussions. The highlight of the day was a celebration of languages culminating in Varndean-o-Vision.

Foreign languages form part of the E-Baccalaureate and for many students the move to secondary school provides them with further opportunities to learn a language.

With taster sessions in Russian, Swedish, Dutch, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and German, students were given the chance to learn unfamiliar languages.

Staff from Varndean College came in to assist with some of the sessions, meaning students learnt key words, accents, culture and geography.

Each form group also learnt a song in one of the languages, which they performed on stage to an audience of peers and staff.

The winning form was 7TW, who sang a well-known Dutch children’s song Tsjoe Tsjoe Wa – more familiarly known as Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.