Dash cams have become increasingly popular over the last few years as they are useful for recording what is happening on the road (ahead or behind depending on the model).

More specifically, the devices that can be plugged or wired into vehicles can massively help when it comes to providing drivers with peace of mind.

Dash cams leave drivers “safe in the knowledge that police and insurers can find out exactly what happened in case of a collision and then make a decision on who was at fault,” reports Halfords.

But among the many questions when it comes to owning a dash cam, you might be wondering if they work when your car is off.

Does a dash cam work when a car is off?

The answer is simple, yes.

Halfords explained: “Dash cams come with an additional parking mode that can capture footage even if the vehicle is stationary.

“This is very useful if someone drives into your car when you’re not in it, or even for capturing thieves who could cause damage to your car during an attempted break-in.

“Advanced dash cams can be set up to send video footage directly to your phone or connected device, giving you crucial evidence to support an insurance claim.”

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“When used as a back-up to safe and responsible driving, a dash cam can be a very powerful tool," reports LV= Insurance.

It can help to "lower car insurance premiums in some cases, potentially thwarting scam artists and providing essential evidence to aid police investigations."

“But as with much of today's technology, it must be used appropriately and as an assistant to safe driving, rather than a replacement for common sense.”

Find out more information about dash cams on the Halfords or LV= Insurance websites.