You can tell it must be getting near to election time when Labour’s dirty tricks department starts to kick into action again.

Labour Leader, Warren Morgan, claims (Argus, October 17) that the Tories in Brighton & Hove oppose any reduction in councillor allowances.

This is simply untrue and Cllr Morgan should immediately apologise and withdraw this statement.

All three Conservative councillors on the Policy & Resources Committee made it quite clear that they fully support the £38,000 reduction in the councillor allowances budget and Conservative Group Leader, Geoffrey Theobald, and I voted to support this reduction.

Of course it is right that when savings are having to be made across the whole council, elected members should play their part.

Sadly, this nonsense was repeated by some of Cllr Morgan’s Twitter followers.

I wonder if they would be so quick to repeat such untruths if they weren’t able to hide behind their social media comfort blanket and had to defend their comments face to face?

By all means let’s have a robust debate on these matters but one based on fact not fiction.

Coun Ann Norman Conservative Group finance spokeswoman