FORGET last week’s yes-no vote in Scotland – this one is huge.

The academy conversion story at Hove Park School has rumbled on since March, and instead of getting lost in a dreary education debate this has galvanised a community.

It’s made parents on both sides of the fence stand up and talk of how proud they are of their school.

One thing that can’t be denied is that everyone involved in this process wants the best for the students.

These two groups are so important to schools and losing their support is like a football manager losing the confidence of his players and the fans.

But the school has made consistent improvements under this headteacher and have revolutionised the way it teaches students.

The governors have been elected into the role and therefore need to be trusted with the decision.

They have recently made successful decisions on uniforms and iPads.

Now they must make sure their most important call to date is the right one.