NOONE has come out of this dark episode very well.

These men were clearly on the prowl

And they were clearly vultures looking for vulnerable girls, giving them false love. They deserve everything they get and one hopes they are deported at the end of all this.

But there are still questions about how we deal with young girls and the vulnerable. There are clearly lessons for the police here.

We say today that the family of one of the girls that was raped said she did indeed give a statement which is in contrast to the police saying that she was not prepared to do so.

What efforts were made and what attempts were made to make these girls feel comfortable.

Investigations need to take place .

We have one office facing a gross misconduct investigation and a serious case review is rightly being held.

We need confidence that police procedures have changed. These offences only happened in recent years and the police force rightly revisited the case after the horrors of the Rotherham grooming cases came to light.

But that should not have been necessary. We are not talking about 30 year old historic offences when the police were definitely less efficient and sensitive at dealing with such cases.

It's not going too far too think that had the original cases been dealt with differently then the original victims would have had justice sooner and one of these beasts would have been prevented from putting more girls through these horrific experiences.

There are very strong lessons to be learnt here.