THOSE who don’t have to suffer the ordeal of getting to work on our trains will be forgiven for losing interest in the seemingly interminable battle between Southern Rail and the RMT.

We are in danger of losing sight of what this dispute is about and sympathy for both sides is extremely thin on the ground.

We are told the union has recommended new contracts be signed so that members keep their jobs.

But as the contracts, inexplicably, do not contain job descriptions just titles it simply means the union can continue the strikes after workers sign on the dotted line.

So expect strikes up to and beyond Christmas.

The unions still insist this is all about safety and not jobs the latter issue being hard to argue on given that the company has guaranteed posts and salaries.

That most trains across the country are now driver only means the union now has common practice across the industry against it.

But as talks break down again Southern has to help the union find a way back from this issue which really simply boils down to the pressing of a button to open and close doors.

Witnessing the quotes on each side of the argument in The Argus today it is easy to see how talks again failed yesterday.

The attitude needs to change or we will get nowhere.

The way things stand it feels like they are more interested in finding ways to fall out than get along and agree to anything.

Train users are sick and tired of both sides in this dispute. Neither emerges with much honour.