The Chancellor’s announcement in the March Budget concerning the prospect of dismantling national pay deals in the public sector has once again been resurrected within Government circles.

Yet again, this Government pursues a short-term fix to maintain their future political term in office.

Examples of past governments of all political parties have neglected any long-term planning policies.

The short-term has plagued governments since the last war, with a few notable exceptions, namely the NHS and social care.

This Government is about to dismantle public bodies which have been envied and admired worldwide. Qualified professional bodies and conditions of pay are about to change.

To dismantle national conditions and the rates of pay for doctors, nurses and teachers is illogical and seriously flawed.

Nationally recognised pay scales for such professionals must be maintained to ensure geographical deployment will not dictate where the best professionals are employed.

Pursuing a policy of regional salary scales will lead to a two-tier structure throughout professional occupations and in the long term destabilise public confidence and undermine the loyalty and dedication of employees who work in the public sector.

If the coalition Government continues with its present policy of restructuring health and social care, its term of office will surely be extinguished at the next general election.

John Burns, Hamsey Lane, Seaford