To Celebrate British Sandwich Week starting on May 10, The Argus has teamed up with Panasonic to give one budding baker the chance to win the SD 255 Bread Maker.

Cheese ploughman’s with lashings of pickle, roast beef and horseradish, hoisin duck and spring onion... we’ve got no shortage of imagination when it comes to sandwich fillings, but sometimes the bread can really let the side down. Baking your own loaf of bread can really make a difference, but unlike your grandmother you won’t have to devote hours to toiling away in the kitchen. In fact, the latest Panasonic SD255 Breadmaker can produce a variety of loaves in just under two hours.

Not only is it cheaper than shop-bought alternatives, but baking your own bread has health benefits too. Home-made bread contains much less salt and sugar than supermarket loaves, and you can also make your baking gluten-free. And whichever recipe you choose, you’ll get the aroma of freshly baked bread thrown in for free!

Bake your own bread this British Sandwich Week with this Panasonic SD 255 Bread Maker with a raisin and nut dispenser that automatically adds additional ingredients to your recipe.

To find out more visit

How to enter
Simply answer the following question by mid day on Monday, May 18.

Q: Wallace and Gromit’s last outing saw them running a bakery, but what was the film called?

By email: place “Bread Maker” in the subject header and send your answer, name, contact number and full postal address to: