
  • Bollywood stars get brief taste of England

    A quiet corner of Sussex was spiced up when a Bollywood film crew jetted in from Bombay. Anupam Kher, star of hit British comedy film Bend It Like Beckham, was among the entourage which turned a country hotel in Buxted, near Uckfield, into a movie set

  • Hockey: Browne hat-trick sets up cracker

    Kwan Browne smashed a hat-trick, then declared: "Bring on the leaders." The East Grinstead player-coach scored three times, including a late winner, as his side made hard work of a 4-3 win over Barford Tigers in National League division two yesterday.

  • Rugby: Heath survival hopes suffer blow

    Haywards Heath's survival hopes suffered a blow on a stormy day at Whitemans Green. Heath went down 19-5 to Redruth in a National Three South game that was in severe danger of falling foul to the elements. The hosts were encouraged to be just 9-0 down

  • Shop window decision was right

    Your article on the round window in Gloucester Road in Brighton (The Argus, January 26) actually served to illustrate the problems this planning authority has with the major alteration to the Acacia shopfront. All the other Victorian buildings pictured

  • We can ever trust a Labour manifesto again?

    Now the Government has won the vote on top-up fees (in complete contrast with the Labour manifesto), would Ivor Caplin care to tell the electorate whether the Labour manifesto at the next general election should be believed or disbelieved? -John Hatton

  • January 31: Albion 2 Plymouth 1

    It is more than two years since Micky Adams left Albion for Leicester, but the bond he developed with his old club is as strong as ever. Such deep-rooted affection persuaded Adams to lend Trevor Benjamin to the hard-up Seagulls when a loan spell at Mansfield

  • Non-League: Sussex hit top spot

    Sussex top their group in the South Western Counties Championship after coming from behind to draw 1-1 in Jersey on Saturday. Hassocks' Pat Harding made a long day worthwhile when he lashed home an 80th-minute equaliser from close range after Joel O'Hara

  • Harbour home could be sunk

    A couple should find out today if their bid to transform a former minesweeper into a dream home will flounder. Fred and Polly Cole moored the massive German vessel Fische on the banks of the River Adur at Shoreham Harbour despite not having planning permission

  • Blair has betrayed Labour principles

    So, Tony Blair has won the vote to introduce university top-up fees. What a sad day in the life of a political party which has had so many brilliant achievements. Members of the post-Second World War Labour government must be turning in their graves at

  • Basketball: Thunder target glory

    Worthing Thunder are convinced they can clinch their first ever piece of silverware after reaching the EBL Trophy final. Thunder held on for a 78-74 success at City of Sheffield in the semi-final and will now face Sutton, shock victors of Plymouth. The

  • Benjamin wants to stay

    Trevor Benjamin today revealed a desire to stretch his loan spell from Leicester following his first goal for Albion. The bustling striker's month with the Seagulls ends with the last of three away games in succession at Grimsby on Saturday week. Benjamin

  • For sale sign has to go

    People living in one of the most exclusive parts of Hove have won their fight to remove an estate agent's For Sale sign from outside their homes. Many residents in the Brunswick area feel advertising boards are spoiling the look of their homes but estate

  • More holidays taken

    Executives are shrugging off terrorism fears and are taking more, and longer, business trips. Despite security scares and the Sars outbreak, nearly half (47%) of UK businessmen and women travelled more in 2003 than in 2002. And the number of nights spent

  • Zoo Weekly aims for lion's share

    Brighton-based design and marketing agency Mosaic has emerged as the creative force behind EMAP's biggest magazine campaign launch to date. Zoo Weekly, which offers a mixture of "girls, football and funny stuff", will go head-to-head with IPC's Nuts,

  • Buses are destroying our homes

    Neighbours in a conservation area fear their homes are being shaken to bits by the rumble of dozens of buses. The 19th Century houses were featured in the 1947 film Brighton Rock but the owners fear their properties are now on shaky ground. Cracks have

  • For sale sign has to go

    People living in one of the most exclusive parts of Hove have won their fight to remove an estate agent's For Sale sign from outside their homes. Many residents in the Brunswick area feel advertising boards are spoiling the look of their homes but estate

  • Hairdresser will brae all in salon saga

    Burly hairdresser Paul Bott has vowed to chain himself naked to Brighton Town Hall if planners cut short his dream. Paul, 32, has pledged to take his clothes off if he loses an appeal to expand his business. He said: "If I wanted to open a sex shop I

  • Hairdresser will brae all in salon saga

    Burly hairdresser Paul Bott has vowed to chain himself naked to Brighton Town Hall if planners cut short his dream. Paul, 32, has pledged to take his clothes off if he loses an appeal to expand his business. He said: "If I wanted to open a sex shop I

  • Burchill hails icon Jordan

    Writer Julie Burchill has hailed Brighton glamour girl Jordan as a feminist icon. Jordan, 25, is one of the favourites favourite to win the ITV show I'm A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here! Almost a week into the programme, being filmed in the Australian

  • If we don't get Falmer, we won't have a club

    Forget the Hutton Inquiry, the Falmer Inquiry is what is on the lips of sports fans across Sussex. The future of a proud football club could be decided in the next few weeks. Planning inspector John Collyer heard lengthy arguments from Brighton and Hove

  • February 2: Benjamin wants to stay

    Trevor Benjamin today revealed a desire to stretch his loan spell from Leicester following his first goal for Albion. The bustling striker's month with the Seagulls ends with the last of three away games in succession at Grimsby on Saturday week. Benjamin

  • Jane jury told to curb emotion

    The judge in the Jane Longhurst murder trial told the jury to take a "cold, hard, calculated" look at the evidence. Judge Richard Brown said the seven men and five women jurors must put all emotions aside. He was summing up on the tenth day of the trial

  • Storms cause mayhem

    Two men escaped when a tree crashed on to their car as gale-force winds and heavy rain lashed Sussex. The emergency services reported hundreds of incidents as gusts of more than 70mph toppled trees and blew tiles from roofs. Garry Masters was driving

  • Double shooting in drugs war

    Two men were shot and another stabbed during a night of drugs-related violence in Brighton. A patrolling policeman raised the alarm when a man staggered up to him in St James's Street and said: "I've been shot in the arm." Detectives later went to a terraced

  • Storms cause mayhem

    Two men escaped when a tree crashed on to their car as gale-force winds and heavy rain lashed Sussex. The emergency services reported hundreds of incidents as gusts of more than 70mph toppled trees and blew tiles from roofs. Garry Masters was driving

  • Hockey: Browne hat-trick sets up cracker

    Kwan Browne smashed a hat-trick, then declared: "Bring on the leaders." The East Grinstead player-coach scored three times, including a late winner, as his side made hard work of a 4-3 win over Barford Tigers in National League division two yesterday.

  • Baffled by planning lottery

    It was with incredulity that I read the remarks made by the council planning officer Max Woodford regarding the window installed by Ali Mughal in her shop in North Laine. Leaving aside the fact that this window appears to be in no way more incongruous

  • Rugby: Heath survival hopes suffer blow

    Haywards Heath's survival hopes suffered a blow on a stormy day at Whitemans Green. Heath went down 19-5 to Redruth in a National Three South game that was in severe danger of falling foul to the elements. The hosts were encouraged to be just 9-0 down

  • Rugby: Worthing not yet ready for next step

    Worthing are still thinking of promotion to the National League. Just don't expect it to be this season. Coach Ian Davies and skipper Jodie Levett will start to think about rebuilding this week after Saturday's 17-15 home defeat by Sutton and Epsom in

  • We can ever trust a Labour manifesto again?

    Now the Government has won the vote on top-up fees (in complete contrast with the Labour manifesto), would Ivor Caplin care to tell the electorate whether the Labour manifesto at the next general election should be believed or disbelieved? -John Hatton

  • January 31: Albion 2 Plymouth 1

    It is more than two years since Micky Adams left Albion for Leicester, but the bond he developed with his old club is as strong as ever. Such deep-rooted affection persuaded Adams to lend Trevor Benjamin to the hard-up Seagulls when a loan spell at Mansfield

  • Harbour home could be sunk

    A couple should find out today if their bid to transform a former minesweeper into a dream home will flounder. Fred and Polly Cole moored the massive German vessel Fische on the banks of the River Adur at Shoreham Harbour despite not having planning permission

  • Shameful tax on learning

    Des Turner MP finally comes clean about what he really thinks of his Prime Minister. He is quoted in The Argus as saying Tony Blair is autocratic. Tell us something we didn't know! More importantly, he described the Bill to impose fees on middle class

  • Plan to control Albion's traffic just won't work

    Whose appalling idea is it to close one of the main feeder roads to and from the Hollingbury A27 roundabout for eight hours on Brighton and Hove Albion's match days? The roundabout was designed to enable free movement of traffic for both access to and

  • Athletics: Robinson warms to challenge

    Andrew Robinson may be in the middle of his best ever winter season but he cannot wait until it is over. The 25-year-old has dominated the athletics scene in the county over the last six months, winning both the Sussex half marathon and cross country

  • Match Report: Albion 2 Plymouth 1

    It is more than two years since Micky Adams left Albion for Leicester, but the bond he developed with his old club is as strong as ever. Such deep-rooted affection persuaded Adams to lend Trevor Benjamin to the hard-up Seagulls when a loan spell at Mansfield

  • Basketball: Thunder target glory

    Worthing Thunder are convinced they can clinch their first ever piece of silverware after reaching the EBL Trophy final. Thunder held on for a 78-74 success at City of Sheffield in the semi-final and will now face Sutton, shock victors of Plymouth. The

  • Benjamin wants to stay

    Trevor Benjamin today revealed a desire to stretch his loan spell from Leicester following his first goal for Albion. The bustling striker's month with the Seagulls ends with the last of three away games in succession at Grimsby on Saturday week. Benjamin

  • Basketball: Thames Valley 103 Bears 122

    Randy Duck surveyed a seven-point half-time deficit, called his team together and came up with his first coaching masterstroke. The instruction which turned a hazardous away trip out into a stroll? "Get the ball inside to Kendrick Warren." Okay, it was

  • For sale sign has to go

    People living in one of the most exclusive parts of Hove have won their fight to remove an estate agent's For Sale sign from outside their homes. Many residents in the Brunswick area feel advertising boards are spoiling the look of their homes but estate

  • More holidays taken

    Executives are shrugging off terrorism fears and are taking more, and longer, business trips. Despite security scares and the Sars outbreak, nearly half (47%) of UK businessmen and women travelled more in 2003 than in 2002. And the number of nights spent

  • Buses are destroying our homes

    Neighbours in a conservation area fear their homes are being shaken to bits by the rumble of dozens of buses. The 19th Century houses were featured in the 1947 film Brighton Rock but the owners fear their properties are now on shaky ground. Cracks have

  • For sale sign has to go

    People living in one of the most exclusive parts of Hove have won their fight to remove an estate agent's For Sale sign from outside their homes. Many residents in the Brunswick area feel advertising boards are spoiling the look of their homes but estate

  • Hairdresser will brae all in salon saga

    Burly hairdresser Paul Bott has vowed to chain himself naked to Brighton Town Hall if planners cut short his dream. Paul, 32, has pledged to take his clothes off if he loses an appeal to expand his business. He said: "If I wanted to open a sex shop I

  • Hairdresser will brae all in salon saga

    Burly hairdresser Paul Bott has vowed to chain himself naked to Brighton Town Hall if planners cut short his dream. Paul, 32, has pledged to take his clothes off if he loses an appeal to expand his business. He said: "If I wanted to open a sex shop I

  • If we don't get Falmer, we won't have a club

    Forget the Hutton Inquiry, the Falmer Inquiry is what is on the lips of sports fans across Sussex. The future of a proud football club could be decided in the next few weeks. Planning inspector John Collyer heard lengthy arguments from Brighton and Hove

  • Storms cause mayhem

    Two men escaped when a tree crashed on to their car as gale-force winds and heavy rain lashed Sussex. The emergency services reported hundreds of incidents as gusts of more than 70mph toppled trees and blew tiles from roofs. Garry Masters was driving

  • Police shut down suspected crack den

    A suspected crack den was shut down by police despite a legal challenge by people living there. The flat in Brighton was boarded up and the tenants evicted following complaints from neighbours about noise and disturbance caused by callers at all times

  • Double shooting in drugs war

    Two men were shot and another stabbed during a night of drugs-related violence in Brighton. A patrolling policeman raised the alarm when a man staggered up to him in St James's Street and said: "I've been shot in the arm." Detectives later went to a terraced

  • Albion ask fans to stop boycott

    Brighton and Hove Albion has asked fans to call off a boycott of Asda superstores. The company objected to plans by the football club to start a park-and-ride scheme near the Hollingbury store in Brighton and had set up a petition for customers to sign

  • February 2: Benjamin wants to stay

    Trevor Benjamin today revealed a desire to stretch his loan spell from Leicester following his first goal for Albion. The bustling striker's month with the Seagulls ends with the last of three away games in succession at Grimsby on Saturday week. Benjamin

  • Jane jury told to curb emotion

    The judge in the Jane Longhurst murder trial told the jury to take a "cold, hard, calculated" look at the evidence. Judge Richard Brown said the seven men and five women jurors must put all emotions aside. He was summing up on the tenth day of the trial

  • Bollywood stars get brief taste of England

    A quiet corner of Sussex was spiced up when a Bollywood film crew jetted in from Bombay. Anupam Kher, star of hit British comedy film Bend It Like Beckham, was among the entourage which turned a country hotel in Buxted, near Uckfield, into a movie set

  • Reality show sparked TV love affair

    Mel Haarer has drifted through relationships but has only now found her one true love - television. She failed to find the man of her dreams on a reality TV dating show but was swept off her feet by the passion of the small screen. The 30-year-old, of

  • Road death of man, 90

    A man aged 90 died today after being hit by a moped on a busy road. The pensioner was in Battle Road, St Leonards, at 5.30pm yesterday when he was in collision with the machine, ridden by a 17-year-old. The critically-ill victim, from St Leonards, was

  • God's image

    Unlike Tony Smith, many of us see no contradiction between thinking that we are related to apes and that we are made in the image of God. This does not mean God has a head, two arms and two legs, but rather that he has bestowed upon us a spiritual nature

  • Council wants a cut from Ladyboys

    Brighton and Hove is planning to squeeze more money out of the Ladyboys of Bangkok. Until now the city council has charged a flat fee to organisers of outdoor events in parks. The Ladyboys have been among the most successful of these. But from next year

  • True belief

    In reply to Tony Smith (Letters, January 26), I have always had a problem believing in evolution. If we really did evolve from apes, why are there apes around now? Why have they not evolved? The only conclusion one can come to is that there is no missing

  • Keep gallery open

    I fully support Lou Taylor's admirable letter (January 28) in defence of Worthing Museum and Art Gallery. I too have sent many students there to research the excellent, accessible fashion collections and can attest to the strength of the museum's collections

  • Shop window decision was right

    Your article on the round window in Gloucester Road in Brighton (The Argus, January 26) actually served to illustrate the problems this planning authority has with the major alteration to the Acacia shopfront. All the other Victorian buildings pictured

  • Non-League: Sussex hit top spot

    Sussex top their group in the South Western Counties Championship after coming from behind to draw 1-1 in Jersey on Saturday. Hassocks' Pat Harding made a long day worthwhile when he lashed home an 80th-minute equaliser from close range after Joel O'Hara

  • Matthew Clark: Crippled Saints quit league

    Debt-ridden St Leonards have resigned from the County League. The financially stricken club is expected to fold today and the resignation will prevent further league fines being added to their crippling debts. Saints had postponed their last two matches

  • Blair has betrayed Labour principles

    So, Tony Blair has won the vote to introduce university top-up fees. What a sad day in the life of a political party which has had so many brilliant achievements. Members of the post-Second World War Labour government must be turning in their graves at

  • Ryman (Premier): Grays Athletic 6 Bognor 0

    Bognor captain Michael Birmingham turned down a double-your-money offer from Havant and Waterlooville to stay at the club. The former Portsmouth player signed a three-year-extension to his contract last week which will keep him at the Rocks until 2008

  • Dr Martens (Premier): Eastbourne 2 Dorchester 1

    Eastbourne Borough boss Garry Wilson believes his squad is good enough for a top ten finish after extending the loan deal of striker Ian Pulman for another two months. Borough's fortunes have turned dramatically since the arrival of the former Chelsea

  • Cricket: Goodwin stays at Sussex

    Murray Goodwin is returning to Sussex as their second overseas player. The county have gone back to the former Zimbabwe Test player after failing to land either Gary Kirsten or Steve Waugh. Goodwin has signed a one-year contract but, with counties able

  • Stressed execs relax with a llama

    The promise of a round of golf is usually enough to keep business delegates alert during even the longest conference. But now traditionalists may choke on their scotch as llama trekking is set to become the alternative to an afternoon on the green. Ashdown

  • Stronger team to raise profile

    Wyndeham Press Group, publisher of the British Medical Journal, has announced the appointment of Roy Kingston as group operations director. The Hove-based company, which prints specialist magazines and commercial brochures, is restructuring its nine businesses

  • Zoo Weekly aims for lion's share

    Brighton-based design and marketing agency Mosaic has emerged as the creative force behind EMAP's biggest magazine campaign launch to date. Zoo Weekly, which offers a mixture of "girls, football and funny stuff", will go head-to-head with IPC's Nuts,

  • Albion ask fans to stop boycott

    Brighton and Hove Albion has asked fans to call off a boycott of Asda superstores. The company objected to plans by the football club to start a park-and-ride scheme near the Hollingbury store in Brighton and had set up a petition for customers to sign

  • Buses are destroying our homes

    Neighbours in a conservation area fear their homes are being shaken to bits by the rumble of dozens of buses. The 19th Century houses were featured in the 1947 film Brighton Rock but the owners fear their properties are now on shaky ground. Cracks have

  • Burchill hails icon Jordan

    Writer Julie Burchill has hailed Brighton glamour girl Jordan as a feminist icon. Jordan, 25, is one of the favourites favourite to win the ITV show I'm A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here! Almost a week into the programme, being filmed in the Australian

  • Reality show sparked TV love affair

    Mel Haarer has drifted through relationships but has only now found her one true love - television. She failed to find the man of her dreams on a reality TV dating show but was swept off her feet by the passion of the small screen. The 30-year-old, of

  • God's image

    Unlike Tony Smith, many of us see no contradiction between thinking that we are related to apes and that we are made in the image of God. This does not mean God has a head, two arms and two legs, but rather that he has bestowed upon us a spiritual nature

  • Council wants a cut from Ladyboys

    Brighton and Hove is planning to squeeze more money out of the Ladyboys of Bangkok. Until now the city council has charged a flat fee to organisers of outdoor events in parks. The Ladyboys have been among the most successful of these. But from next year

  • True belief

    In reply to Tony Smith (Letters, January 26), I have always had a problem believing in evolution. If we really did evolve from apes, why are there apes around now? Why have they not evolved? The only conclusion one can come to is that there is no missing

  • Keep gallery open

    I fully support Lou Taylor's admirable letter (January 28) in defence of Worthing Museum and Art Gallery. I too have sent many students there to research the excellent, accessible fashion collections and can attest to the strength of the museum's collections

  • Baffled by planning lottery

    It was with incredulity that I read the remarks made by the council planning officer Max Woodford regarding the window installed by Ali Mughal in her shop in North Laine. Leaving aside the fact that this window appears to be in no way more incongruous

  • Rugby: Worthing not yet ready for next step

    Worthing are still thinking of promotion to the National League. Just don't expect it to be this season. Coach Ian Davies and skipper Jodie Levett will start to think about rebuilding this week after Saturday's 17-15 home defeat by Sutton and Epsom in

  • Shameful tax on learning

    Des Turner MP finally comes clean about what he really thinks of his Prime Minister. He is quoted in The Argus as saying Tony Blair is autocratic. Tell us something we didn't know! More importantly, he described the Bill to impose fees on middle class

  • Matthew Clark: Crippled Saints quit league

    Debt-ridden St Leonards have resigned from the County League. The financially stricken club is expected to fold today and the resignation will prevent further league fines being added to their crippling debts. Saints had postponed their last two matches

  • Ryman (Premier): Grays Athletic 6 Bognor 0

    Bognor captain Michael Birmingham turned down a double-your-money offer from Havant and Waterlooville to stay at the club. The former Portsmouth player signed a three-year-extension to his contract last week which will keep him at the Rocks until 2008

  • Plan to control Albion's traffic just won't work

    Whose appalling idea is it to close one of the main feeder roads to and from the Hollingbury A27 roundabout for eight hours on Brighton and Hove Albion's match days? The roundabout was designed to enable free movement of traffic for both access to and

  • Dr Martens (Premier): Eastbourne 2 Dorchester 1

    Eastbourne Borough boss Garry Wilson believes his squad is good enough for a top ten finish after extending the loan deal of striker Ian Pulman for another two months. Borough's fortunes have turned dramatically since the arrival of the former Chelsea

  • Athletics: Robinson warms to challenge

    Andrew Robinson may be in the middle of his best ever winter season but he cannot wait until it is over. The 25-year-old has dominated the athletics scene in the county over the last six months, winning both the Sussex half marathon and cross country

  • Cricket: Goodwin stays at Sussex

    Murray Goodwin is returning to Sussex as their second overseas player. The county have gone back to the former Zimbabwe Test player after failing to land either Gary Kirsten or Steve Waugh. Goodwin has signed a one-year contract but, with counties able

  • Match Report: Albion 2 Plymouth 1

    It is more than two years since Micky Adams left Albion for Leicester, but the bond he developed with his old club is as strong as ever. Such deep-rooted affection persuaded Adams to lend Trevor Benjamin to the hard-up Seagulls when a loan spell at Mansfield

  • Basketball: Thames Valley 103 Bears 122

    Randy Duck surveyed a seven-point half-time deficit, called his team together and came up with his first coaching masterstroke. The instruction which turned a hazardous away trip out into a stroll? "Get the ball inside to Kendrick Warren." Okay, it was

  • Stressed execs relax with a llama

    The promise of a round of golf is usually enough to keep business delegates alert during even the longest conference. But now traditionalists may choke on their scotch as llama trekking is set to become the alternative to an afternoon on the green. Ashdown

  • Stronger team to raise profile

    Wyndeham Press Group, publisher of the British Medical Journal, has announced the appointment of Roy Kingston as group operations director. The Hove-based company, which prints specialist magazines and commercial brochures, is restructuring its nine businesses

  • Albion ask fans to stop boycott

    Brighton and Hove Albion has asked fans to call off a boycott of Asda superstores. The company objected to plans by the football club to start a park-and-ride scheme near the Hollingbury store in Brighton and had set up a petition for customers to sign

  • Buses are destroying our homes

    Neighbours in a conservation area fear their homes are being shaken to bits by the rumble of dozens of buses. The 19th Century houses were featured in the 1947 film Brighton Rock but the owners fear their properties are now on shaky ground. Cracks have

  • Albion ask fans to stop boycott

    Brighton and Hove Albion has asked fans to call off a boycott of Asda superstores. The company objected to plans by the football club to start a park-and-ride scheme near the Hollingbury store in Brighton and had set up a petition for customers to sign

  • Police shut down suspected crack den

    A suspected crack den was shut down by police despite a legal challenge by people living there. The flat in Brighton was boarded up and the tenants evicted following complaints from neighbours about noise and disturbance caused by callers at all times