A nursery has been rated inadequate because of concerns over safeguarding after a sharp piece of glass was found in the outside play area.

Muddy Boots 'Snowdrop Cottage', in Bexhill Road, Ninfield, received the rating following an inspection from Ofsted in September.

The service was rated good in the quality of education and behaviour and attitudes categories but was rated inadequate in the personal development and leadership and management categories.

Inspectors said children’s welfare was “compromised” due to “weaknesses in risk assessment” and told Muddy Boots that in order for it to improve it must “ensure that staff take all reasonable steps to make certain that children are not exposed to risks and that risk assessments are completed effectively”.

They said there was a “significant breach of requirements, which does not ensure children's safety and welfare. Staff do not consistently risk assess all areas of the nursery effectively”.

During the inspection, Ofsted found a piece of glass in the outside play area.

Inspectors also advised the provider to “support staff to better understand the manager's intent for the curriculum so that activities are supporting children to gain progress in their identified areas”.

The report stated: “Staff complete risk assessments. However, these are not effective in ensuring that all risks in the environment are removed, to ensure children are not exposed to serious risk of injury.

“A piece of sharp glass was found in the children's outdoor play area, where they had been engaging in play that morning. This poses the risk of being fallen on or being swallowed by younger children.

“This does not ensure that staff maintain children's safety at all times.

“The provider has a clear intent for the curriculum; however, this is not shared effectively with staff. Activities provide fun and engaging learning opportunities but are not always targeted to provide children with progress in their identified learning areas.”

However, staff were praised for their care of children and the close bonds formed with them.

“Children settle quickly and happily engage in their learning and play at the nursery,” the report said.

“Children spend a significant amount of time outdoors, and they enjoy exploring the local community for themselves. They investigate the seasons and bring back resources, such as flowers, seeds and pinecones, to use in their play. Children seek staff out for cuddles and reassurance, showing that have formed clear bonds and feel safe.”

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