An animal lover feared her beloved pet dog was going to die after "taking drugs" he found on the pavement.

Hannah Pockett was walking her five-year-old Pekingese when he started dribbling, grinding his face on the ground and rolling around in the street.

She believes little Pepi accidentally ingested an illegal substance while out for a walk on Blatchington Road.

There are a number of Class A drugs than can be fatal for dogs including heroin, cocaine and ecstasy.

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The 29-year-old saw him "lick something" off the ground - at a spot where she has spotted "loads of empty drug packets".

She told The Argus: "I had a panic attack, I was so scared. I thought he was going to die. I thought his time was up.”

The Argus: Hannah and Pepi rushed to the vetsHannah and Pepi rushed to the vets (Image: The Argus)

Hannah, who works at a doggy day care, rescued little Pepi from North Macedonia, in the Balkans, last August.

She regularly walks him on the leafy streets near her home in Sackville Road, Hove. 

But a few weeks ago, Pepi took a turn for the worse while out on his evening stroll on February 17.

Although Hannah did not see what he had found, she has strong suspicions it could have been illegal drugs.

The Argus:

She said: “He started dribbling, grinding his face on the ground, and rolling around the pavement.

“We just scooped him up when he went limp.

"We ran home, put him in the car and went up to the vets. They said they don’t know for certain, but it could be a reaction to something toxic.

Hannah and her partner Max took Pepi to Acorn vets, in Hove, but while they were on the way his condition worsened.

Fortunately, after receiving speedy treatment, Pepi made a full recovery and was discharged later the same day.

Hannah added: "We were going to go out that night but we cancelled.

"I didn’t get any sleep, I was just up every few hours checking on him.”

The Argus: Hannah said the incident occurred in Blatchington RoadHannah said the incident occurred in Blatchington Road (Image: The Argus)

Hannah has now been forced to change her usual walking route over fears of what could happen to poor Pepi.

She believes it is no longer safe for people to walk their dogs in the Blatchington Road area and urged other pet owners to be vigilant.


“Over the last few weeks, I have seen loads of empty drug packets. I think that he’s had drugs.

“I won’t walk him that way anymore because I don’t know what’s going to happen."

It is not known exactly what Pepi took - but the PDSA warns there are many substances which can be toxic for dogs to consume.

These include antifreeze, rat poison, human painkillers and batteries.