Security guards remain at the scene weeks after a blaze which gutted a Harvester restaurant.

The fire, which broke out at around 9am on Thursday, August 10, at the Harvester in Coastguard Road, Littlehampton, began in the kitchen and later spread to the roof.

Council staff are communicating with the leaseholder of the site about its management and reinstatement of it.

Insurers are assessing the amount of compensation that should be paid.

The neighbouring Windmill Entertainment Centre remains closed Arun District Council is awaiting approval from insurers before any repair work begins.

Freedom Leisure, the contractor, said it is continuing to help current and future hirers of the centre, including Windmill cinema and theatre bookings.

A spokesman for Arun District Council said: “We would like to address information on social media and confirm that the onsite security has been there since day of the incident, at first, provided by the council, until Mitchell and Butler instructed their own security.

"The carpets were removed to ensure mould didn’t grow underneath which would have caused further issues.

“We know that this may seem like a lack of progress, but we ask you to bear with us during this time when a lot of behind-the-scenes work is being done.”