
  • Albion fans to march on conference

    Thousands of Brighton and Hove Albion fans will march on the Labour Party conference with a final loud and clear message to John Prescott. The Deputy Prime Minister has promised the Seagulls a decision on the long-running Falmer stadium saga by October

  • Plan to end free parking

    Plans to wipe out free parking in central Brighton are being scrutinised. Brighton and Hove City Council is consulting on proposals to end free parking, replace all two and four-hour bays with residents' permit and pay and display bays and extend restrictions

  • Health boss says sorry

    A health boss admitted he knew there were serious problems on a hospital ward for the elderly eight months before a BBC television documentary exposed them. Managers said they were aware of rising numbers of complaints about the quality of care and leadership

  • Show you are worth a place

    Albion manager Mark McGhee today challenged new French signing Alexandre Frutos to show he is worth a place at Leeds on Saturday. Frutos will make his debut in English football on the left wing at Elland Road, providing he proves to McGhee he deserves

  • Letter: Get a move on

    Yes, I agree excessive speed can kill but what about the dawdlers who never seem to look in their rear-view mirrors? When will something be done about these slowcoaches who create long queues of impatient drivers behind them? -John Guy, Brighton

  • Time for a decision on the King Alfred site

    What a difference three months can make. In June, developers behind the King Alfred scheme, a £220 million development on Hove seafront, were accused of departing from guidelines and failing to provide sufficient information about their designs. Now the

  • Security bridge built for Labour conference

    Preparations are well under way for the Labour Party Conference. A bridge has been built linking the Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel and The Grand so delegates can move between the two buildings without leaving the security cordon that will surround the

  • A taste of what's on offer at festival launch

    More than 200 of Brighton and Hove's leading managers in the food and drink industry got a taste of what this year's city food and drink festival has on offer. This year's Brighton and Hove Food and Drink Festival is the third and promises to be bigger

  • Letter: Just say no

    With reference to Councillor Keith Taylor's crucial September 12 vote on the proposed 750 flats at the King Alfred site, exactly what does "Green" mean? Does it mean 750 washing machines and 750 dishwashers? Does it mean 2,000 lavatories flushing and

  • Albion fans to march on conference

    Thousands of Brighton and Hove Albion fans will march on the Labour Party conference with a final loud and clear message to John Prescott. The Deputy Prime Minister has promised the Seagulls a decision on the long-running Falmer stadium saga by October

  • Letter: We'll fight them

    Recently, like many people, we have received display posters expressing a strong "No" to the gigantic towers planned for the King Alfred site in Hove. Brighton and Hove City Council's policy and resources committee will meet on September 12. The local

  • Cricket: Seconds land trophy in convincing fashion

    There was no man of the match award as Sussex won the second XI Trophy for the first time in their history but there is no doubt who would have won it had there been one. Chris Nash enjoyed the perfect day on his home ground at Horsham as the county cruised

  • Letter: Keep this ridge as a natural treasure

    May I congratulate Brighton and Hove City Council and The Green Ridge Committee for the way they have managed the area of outstanding beauty, Green Ridge, over the past few years to encourage the growth of wild flowers and grassland. I have walked my

  • Health boss says sorry

    A health boss admitted he knew there were serious problems on a hospital ward for the elderly eight months before a BBC television documentary exposed them. Managers said they were aware of rising numbers of complaints about the quality of care and leadership

  • Letter: Admissions policy

    Your article about Brighton and Hove City Council's refusal to apply for a mid-year change in its admissions policy for secondary schools (The Argus, September 1) omitted one important point. We have taken independent top-level legal advice about our

  • Football: Reds are Shot to bits

    Manager Francis Vines admits Crawley are not in a false position after seeing them go bottom of the Conference. Reds suffered their third straight defeat against fellow strugglers Aldershot in front of the live TV cameras at the Recreation Ground last

  • Letter: Sometimes we have to stand up to the State

    PC Sean McDonald's views of the two recent marches in Brighton would appear to suggest a situation which could easily be resolved by demonstrators simply informing the police of their intentions (Letters, September 3). I have chatted to PC McDonald, a

  • Future's bright after year under one roof

    An electronics firm said business was now "back on track" a year after merging its two factory sites into a purpose-built headquarters. Bosses at Tenkay Electronics said they could look forward with renewed optimism after marking 365 days in their new

  • Gala night celebrates entrepreneurial talent

    Voluptuous cabaret act Dolly Rocket, Las Vegas-style dancers and a famous face at every turn - welcome to the 2005 Brighton and Hove Business Awards (BAHBAs). The glitzy gala dinner, held at Brighton Racecourse last Thursday, was attended by almost 500

  • MP backs flexible working

    An MP is calling for working parents with children up to 16-years-old to be given the legal right to request flexible working hours from their employers. Brighton Pavilion MP David Lepper is supporting a trade union campaign to help parents achieve a

  • 35,000 sign anti-porn petition

    The mother of murdered music teacher Jane Longhurst took her campaign to ban violent pornographic web sites to national television yesterday. Liz Longhurst, 74, appeared on ITV's This Morning to promote the campaign she launched after Jane's murderer,

  • Fitting homes for key workers

    An average of about 533 homes must be built every year in Brighton and Hove until 2026, according to council leader Ken Bodfish. The target has been proposed to the council and will eventually form part of the South-East Plan, a blueprint to manage the

  • Albion fans to march on conference

    Thousands of Brighton and Hove Albion fans will march on the Labour Party conference with a final loud and clear message to John Prescott. The Deputy Prime Minister has promised the Seagulls a decision on the long-running Falmer stadium saga by October

  • Petrol bursts £1-litre mark

    Petrol prices across Sussex are soaring with the cost of a litre breaking the £1 barrier after Hurricane Katrina left suppliers struggling. The demand for fuel has increased after refineries in the Gulf were battered by the storms leaving them unable

  • Murdered boy's grave is wrecked

    Vandals desecrated the grave of a young murder victim. More than £1,000 damage was caused as they smashed the wings off a marble angel, pushed over marble gates of heaven and defaced a picture of Jay Kensett on the headstone. The 16-year-old's father

  • Fading Eagles need favours

    Jon Cook today admitted his Eastbourne Eagles need favours from elsewhere if they are to revive their fading play-off dreams. Eagles blew an early eight-point lead to lose 49-41 at Oxford last night, their sixth defeat in the last seven Skybet Elite League

  • MP backs flexible working

    AN MP is calling for working parents with children up to 16-years-old to be given the legal right to request flexible working hours from their employers. Brighton Pavilion MP David Lepper is supporting a trade union campaign to help parents achieve a

  • Business venture Risking It All on Channel 4

    Setting up a business is a daunting prospect and a bit of a risk, even for the most confident entrepreneur. Doing it while a camera crew follows your every move and then having it aired on national television must be absolutely petrifying. But that is

  • The Beat, Concorde 2, Brighton

    It's the stuff of dreams: You are on stage, lead singer of one of the best ska bands around, announcing, "I'd like to welcome on stage with me my son, Junior Ranking". Even now, a year after Ranking Roger and son first teamed up and stole the show, he

  • The Dead 60s, Concorde 2, Brighton

    Bouncing out to the sound of wailing sirens and flashing red and blue lights, The Dead 60s rode high on the wave of media hype and recent Stateside success. Signed to Liverpool's cool-as-milk Deltasonic label, alongside sea-shanty-singing Scouse mates

  • Letter: Sorry but we need to get it right

    In response to Tony Austin's letter (August 29) complaining about the band rehearsing at Stanmer Park, Brighton, we enjoy being part of Southern Aurora Drum and Bugle Corps. We march in competitions against bands from all over the country. Our finals

  • Letter: Let's make people use their bins

    This country is nothing more than a gigantic rubbish tip and the bank holiday produced unbelievable litter. Brighton, Hove and Portslade have some of the most beautiful parks in the county but they are spoilt by the people they were created for. In Greenleas

  • Golfers battle to save their course

    Golf club members are staging a final desperate bid to save their course from disappearing to make way for a 2,500-house development. Ifield Golf Course and Country Club, in Rusper Road between Crawley and Horsham, is under threat of closure. Under John

  • Parents of nuisance children are targeted

    More parents will be forced to tackle their nuisance children after it emerged that tough powers to improve behaviour have rarely been used in Brighton and Hove. Tony Blair said last week he wanted to see more parenting orders issued in a bid to prevent

  • Plan to end free parking

    Plans to wipe out free parking in central Brighton are being scrutinised. Brighton and Hove City Council is consulting on proposals to end free parking, replace all two and four-hour bays with residents' permit and pay and display bays and extend restrictions

  • Letter: All so glitzy

    Our invitation arrived with the coat of arms by royal appointment. This was sent to all councillors and, I understand, all celebrities throughout our city by Karis and ING Real Estate Development UK for a meeting to be held on September 12 to mark the

  • Letter: Not a des res

    How I agree with Tony Austin (Letters, August 20) about how the peace has gone from Stanmer Park in Brighton. As Brighton and Hove City Council, along with Cherrywood Investments, is planning to use Stanmer House for extra housing, how will it suit the

  • Murdered boy's grave is wrecked

    Vandals desecrated the grave of a young murder victim. More than £1,000 damage was caused as they smashed the wings off a marble angel, pushed over marble gates of heaven and defaced a picture of Jay Kensett on the headstone. The 16-year-old's father

  • Letter: Thank you, Nick

    May I reply to Nick Jackson's letter (August 31) referring to my letter about violent video games? Just to let you know, Mr Jackson, that I am a schoolgirl, not a man. Thank you for your letter backing my views and also expressing your own at the same

  • Letter: A backward step

    I was very interested to read the letter by Clive Hopper (August 26) about the low price paid to farmers for milk. This low price had an effect on thousands of jobs throughout the country, when the dairies could not compete with the supermarkets once

  • Cricket: Seconds land trophy in convincing fashion

    There was no man of the match award as Sussex won the second XI Trophy for the first time in their history but there is no doubt who would have won it had there been one. Chris Nash enjoyed the perfect day on his home ground at Horsham as the county cruised

  • Speedway: Fading Eagles need favours

    Jon Cook today admitted his Eastbourne Eagles need favours from elsewhere if they are to revive their fading play-off dreams. Eagles blew an early eight-point lead to lose 49-41 at Oxford last night, their sixth defeat in the last seven Skybet Elite League

  • Show you are worth a place

    Albion manager Mark McGhee today challenged new French signing Alexandre Frutos to show he is worth a place at Leeds on Saturday. Frutos will make his debut in English football on the left wing at Elland Road, providing he proves to McGhee he deserves

  • Cheers to accolade

    Sussex brewer Dark Star has been named the best in England by a US website. The brewer, based in Ansty, near Haywards Heath, was given the accolade by real ale lovers' site It was also named 84th best brewery in the world. Paul Reed, director

  • Business venture Risking It All on TV

    Setting up a business is a daunting prospect and a bit of a risk, even for the most confident entrepreneur. Doing it while a camera crew follows your every move and then having it aired on national television must be absolutely petrifying. But that is

  • Writers mark launch with literary events

    Mexican poets, children's authors and leading broadcast journalists will take part in a literary festival celebrating the launch of a library. The Word? is part of a year-long programme of events to mark the opening of the Jubilee Library in Jubilee Street

  • Soames denies sexism claims

    A senior Tory minister has dismissed claims made in a new book which accuse him of ridiculing women MPs with sexist behaviour and comments. Nicholas Soames, Conservative MP for Mid Sussex, denies he made "crude and vulgar" remarks in the Commons. He said